How To Create A OTC Crypto Exchange?


In the market, people communicate in various ways like email, phone calls, and other special electronic to do business. There are two main types of financial markets: over-the-counter (OTC) markets and exchange markets. In an OTC market, dealers set prices for buying and selling currencies, securities, and other financial products. Trades in an OTC market usually happen directly between two people without others knowing the price. OTC markets are generally less open and have fewer rules than exchanges. In this blog, we will discuss more about OTC trading platform development and how it benefits entrepreneurs.

OTC Crypto Exchange Development Company 

OTC crypto exchange development involves crafting user-friendly trading platform that facilitates the direct trading of crypto assets between individuals. It refers to a platform where users can buy and sell popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum in large quantities without encountering any limitations. This leads to a significant volume of transactions, thereby boosting the revenue of your crypto OTC exchange business.

Startups find it profitable to build a crypto OTC exchange platform. This is because they can earn money through methods like trading fees. If you’re aiming to build a safe and secure OTC crypto trading platform, hire MetaDiac, a reputable crypto exchange development company. Our skilled developers provide comprehensive crypto exchange development services that ensure smooth, secure, fast, and efficient trading.

Below are the steps to understand how Crypto OTC Trading Software works

Step 1: Initially, users need to register their bank accounts and connect them to the wallet. 

Step 2: Complete all onboarding documents and undergo KYC verification. 

Step 3: The administrator will assess the user's documents to ensure eligibility for high-value transactions.

Step 4: Users need to deposit money into the bank account listed on the deposit page. 

Step 5: After that, users can buy and sell crypto assets using the OTC trading desk.

Step 6: Administrators of the exchange can set the prices of crypto assets for buying and selling. 

Step 7: Users have the option to select the price and quantity they want to buy, and then they can place the order by clicking. 

Step 8: Once the order is confirmed, the administrator will transfer the cryptocurrency to the user's crypto wallet address.

Essential Features of the OTC Crypto Exchange Platform

We have developed an adaptable OTC trading platform with excellent features aimed at improving the entire trading experience for users.

User-friendly trading interface 

Our team of crypto exchange developers design over-the-counter (OTC) trading platforms with easy-to-use and visually appealing interfaces, making navigation effortless. These interfaces are equipped with trading charts and real-time data to enhance the trading experience.

Seamless Crypto wallet integration 

Our OTC exchange platform seamlessly integrates cryptocurrency wallets supporting various currencies, enabling users to securely store, manage and trade digital assets. 


Our OTC trading platform lets users tailor their trading strategies and settlement methods to fit their unique needs and market conditions.

Strong Security Measures 

To combat fraudulent activities, our OTC trading platforms employ strong security protocols including military-grade measures such as multi-layer authentication, KYC verification and protection.

Support for Multiple-Currencies 

Our OTC trading platform accommodates a wide range of cryptocurrencies, attracting a wide audience and facilitating global access.

Remarkable Benefits of the OTC Exchange Development Services 

The OTC crypto exchange platform offers a notable alternative to traditional exchange due to significant advantages for traders.

Enhanced Privacy

Trading on OTC (over-the-counter) exchange platforms happens directly between the seller and the buyer, without any intermediaries. This approach ensures greater privacy and anonymity for the transactions.

Loyal regulatory risk 

OTC trading works outside the regulations of central authorities, creating fewer opportunities for regulatory challenges. Risk associated with counterparties is minimized as dealers and brokers are market makers.

Low Transactional Costs

Unlike traditional exchanges, OTC trading occurs directly between the involved parties. This method leads to reduced prices and lower operational expenses, transaction fees, and other related costs.


The OTC trading platforms work 24/7 like traditional P2P crypto exchanges. This ensures greater flexibility and accessibility for investors and traders. 

Increased Liquidity

The OTC (over-the-counter) market offers high liquidity, enabling large trades to be executed quickly with minimal slippage. This market maintains stable prices with low market fluctuations and reduced transaction risk.

Development Process of the OTC Exchange Platform

Creating an OTC (over-the-counter) cryptocurrency exchange platform involves several steps, starting with planning and ending with deployment. The following methods provide a clear roadmap for building an OTC cryptocurrency exchange.

Market Research and Requirements Analysis

Specialists conduct extensive market research to evaluate the demand for OTC trading. They then gather key criteria, including the platform's scope and objectives, to establish a clear purpose for the platform.

Choosing the Right Technology Stack

Select the right technology stack according to the client's needs, as it greatly influences the platform's performance. Ensure you pick the appropriate programming language, database, and development framework.

OTC Exchange UI/UX Development

Design a user-friendly and responsive interface to ensure that users can easily navigate the exchange. A simple and intuitive interface is crucial for giving traders a positive trading experience.

Implementing an OTC Trading Algorithm

We apply the main strategies of OTC trading within the platform to execute the necessary logic and functions. This enables customers to conduct large-volume trades, even when there are price differences.

Payment Gateway Integration

After implementing the OTC trading procedures, we integrated a payment gateway with the platform to facilitate seamless transactions and faster settlements.

Testing of OTC Trading Platforms

The OTC trading platform undergoes extensive testing to evaluate its functionality. Our software testing services ensure that the platform is free of glitches and that any issues are promptly addressed.

Deploying an OTC Trading Platform

The crypto OTC trading platform is deployed on the client's server for end users. The platform is continuously monitored and supported after launch.

Why MetaDiac is the best OTC Crypto Exchange Development Company?

Large companies have long been attracted to OTC trading platforms because they enable large trades without intermediaries. Crypto trading also offers ways to generate revenue and diversify investments. Looking to join the growing crypto trading market? Investing in developing an OTC trading platform is a smart strategy to help your business grow.

MetaDiac is a leading company in cryptocurrency exchange development, specializing in seamless OTC (over-the-counter) trading systems. We use advanced trading algorithms and the latest technologies to build these systems. Our technical skills enable us to create ready-to-use, customizable crypto exchange solutions that comply with regulatory standards and follow best development practices. We aim to offer an outstanding OTC trading experience with global reach while reducing market risks.

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